Wednesday, January 23, 2013

just another day...

with this rad kid.
don't mind the drooling... i think the 5th tooth is on it's way!

i'm making an effort to start taking more photos of him with my big girl camera... though camera phones are convenient they just aren't the same...



  1. I am so addicted to your photos. Please tell me you take like 500 to get these few perfect ones. What kind of camera does pictures this well??

    1. awe thanks Therese! and yes... i take tons of photos just for a few good ones since the wild man doesn't sit still long enough most of the time ;)i use a Canon Eos 50D camera, i still have lots to learn about it though.

      thanks for dropping by! i've been reading your blog for the past 20 minutes and i love it!

