Thursday, January 10, 2013

my return...

sorry for being mia lately, the husband came into town for the holidays and we were busy cramming in as much quality family time as possible! i'm sad to say he's back in NC for now and we still have no clear plan as to what/where we'll be in the next few months... oh army.
here are a few photos of our time together... and finally a photo of all THREE of us!
 first time sledding
 my world



  1. Yay! You're back! I love when you blog! These photos are lovely and I'm so happy for you that the hubby was able to be home for the holidays! I hope whatever the future brings for you guys that you're able to be together!


  2. These photos are incredibly. They look like the kind somebody would steal on post on FB if they were trying to create a fake family. (That's a compliment, really!)
