my wild man is six months {well as of last Thursday}! we just had his six month checkup today, he is 19 pounds, 2 ounces and 27 inches. Doctor said he's a big healthy boy and is very impressed with how active and busy he is :)
here are a few other things that have been happening this past month:
- his first tooth came in a few days ago, with very little fussiness I might add, he's such a tough man. Doctor said he sees the other one trying to poke out so it shouldn't be too much longer for it
- he is SO close to crawling! he's got the right hand motions and the right knee motions, now he just has to put them together. Don't get me wrong... he still gets around quite well for not quite crawling yet... he's got the scooting and thrusting himself forward thing down to a T. The Doc said he's pretty advance for his age and that he'll be crawling in no time, I'm hoping he'll do it while Zach is still in town!
- he loves being out and about with us. where ever we go he's busy looking around, and smiling at everyone passing by. I love hearing people comment on how happy and how laid back he is :) he's the life of the party! {trouble for later I know}. the only down side to this is that he does not want to sit still in his high chair at restaurants... apparently he's missing out on too much if he's strapped down.
- my new nickname for him is now Daredevil. He LOVES being thrown high in the air, likes wind in his face, loves being held upside down, and loves to rough house already. The other night we went on the Seattle ferris wheel with a few friends and his hands and forehead were glued to the window. He loved seeing everything from high up and had a huge smile on his face.
-he constantly has his tongue sticking out, I'm thinking it feels good on his teeth coming in?? he never used to do it so it's just so funny and cute now!
- he likes watching Zach workout in the morning while listening to Metal music... also known as "Metal in the Mornings"
- loves his crib. I thought transitioning him from co-sleeping to crib would be rough, but NOPE! he wants nothing to do with our bed now and if he wakes up before me I'll wake up to him just chatting away to his stuffed animals and with a huge grin on his face {yes, we let him sleep with blankets and toys. gasp! how did we ever survive?!}
I still can't believe he's half a year old already, he'll be walking and talking before I know it!