Thursday, November 8, 2012

you're money baby: the story of us

 ...flash back seven years ago...
...i start working at Nordstrom, he works in the department next to mine... coworkers ask me to lunch, i say yes, he is with them...
...i get asked all the getting to know you questions along with 'do you have a boyfriend', i say 'no' and think nothing of it...
...he asks me out, i say yes, then bail at the last minute {i'm 20 and he's about to turn 25... i was nervous of an older guy}...
...i feel bad so we make a date for the weekend...
...we go to a lame house party, then go for a walk along Richmond Beach... in the dark... where no one is around... with a guy i barely know... i get a little creeped out...
...we sit and talk for awhile and he asks to kiss me...
...we start to date...
...our first year of dating is filled with romantic dates, roadtrips, camping, snowboarding, meeting the families, 'i love yous', apartment hunting, fights, birthdays, conversations about rings. 21{.5} year old self gets freaked out and ends it...
...we continue to talk and date off and on... each time i get freaked out and end it without much explanation...
...we start to move on and date other people...
...i get a call saying he joined the army. we write while he's in basic in Georgia...
...he gets stationed back in Washington at Fort Lewis...
...i get random texts; 'you're still my girl' 'i love you'...
...he gets deployed to Iraq...
...we are both in relationships but email each other every now and then {scandal ensues :/}...
...he comes home for two weeks in February and we meet up...
...we decide we want to be together again after all these years...
...he leaves for Iraq to finish out his tour... of getting married when he returns in July begin...
...he comes home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
...he gets orders for Fort Bragg for early December...
...we get engaged late September...
...i plan a wedding in a month and a half... day November 7th 2010...
...we move to North Carolina... great people, have great adventures...
...9 months in i get pregnant...
...9 months later we have our wild man, Hunter :)...
...Zach has schools, trainings, and a deployment lined up so Hunter and I move home to be with family while he's gone...
...Zach has a heat stroke... worst phone call and day of my life...
...he is eventually ok... but all our plans fall through...
...Zach comes down on recruitment orders...tries everything to get out of them... but can't... now we wait to see where we are placed...
...patiently waiting till December to see each other again...
Love you baby and love this adventure we are on together! i know our master plan isn't working out at all how we had planned it but we can get through it... it will just be another story to tell :). you are amazing and i'm so proud of everything you do. thank you for waiting for me all those years, you are the best thing to ever happen to me. Can't wait to see what is in the years ahead of us! happy two year anniversary!!!

xoxo, me.


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