our wild man is 5 months today! here's a little recap from the past month...
- he has discovered his feet, which I think is the cutest thing when he plays with them
- he is very determined to crawl... ever since he figured out how to get into the position its all about rocking front to back. sometimes he can hurl himself forward but most the time he scoots backwards. goodbye stationary play time, hello baby proofing.
- watch your face when you hold him... he death grips your face and will study it intensely
- we started solids at 4.5 months. He does not like the rice or oatmeal cereals, he likes sweet potatoes, and is unsure about green beans {I would be too since they are a nice puke green color, yum}
- will put anything within reach into his mouth, and when he's through it will COVERED in drool
- we are currently working on sitting. he can gorilla sit for a little bit by himself {supported by his hands} and when I hold him in the sitting position he barely needs my help.
- he LOVES his stationary entertainer. he's constantly jumping and banging his toys around. this is why I call him 'wild man'. he's going to be trouble when he's mobile.
- he is losing all his dark hair and the hair that is growing back keeps getting lighter and lighter.
- he is losing all his dark hair and the hair that is growing back keeps getting lighter and lighter.
- he is still very talkative, and now he's even louder. I guess he is finding his Jelovich voice ;)
things to come...
- Thursday we start our drive cross country back to Washington. he hates his car seat so it should be an interesting adventure. wish us luck.