our little linebacker is 8 months today! can't believe how fast time goes when you have a kid. here are a few highlights from the past month...
- he is still a crawling machine, a VERY fast crawling machine. and now he is pulling himself up on EVERYTHING; walls, furniture, toys, pant legs, you name it! i spend most of the day chasing after the beast and making sure he doesn't get into too much trouble. i can't imagine how exhausting he'll be once he starts walking and RUNNING. ugh. ;)
- and of course with the pulling himself up comes practicing his balance. he's balanced a few times by himself for short periods of time so it's only a matter of weeks probably till he can master that skill.
- his new favorite toy is a dog collar with all the dog tags on it, especially when he sits and bangs it against the air vent. he also loves to speed crawl with it clenched in his fist, there is no letting that thing go... unless of course it's for the dog rope toy. {we have real kid toys for him i swear!}
- he's not too sure about finger food quite yet {no matter how hard i try, suggestions are welcomed!}, except for his Puffs... those he'll scarf down no problem. but veggies and fruits? no way.
- i dread having to change his diaper and get him dressed now. if i lay him down on his back it's like i'm poking him with needles... complete torture for him. so now i have to sit him on the floor, distract him with toys and chase after him trying to get his clothes on. he could be the spokes baby for Huggies 'Little Movers' no problem {that commercial is a summary of our life}
- he's very ticklish, especially his feet. and he has the best laugh when you get him going
- his second tooth came in about 2 weeks ago, which included a ton of drooling as usual
- he loves playing with other kids. we started doing a weekly story/music time at the library and now that its raining more i will start to take him to the indoor playground at Bellevue Square which he loves! he's defiantly mr. social and i love it!
- my favorite development this past month has been the start of him actually babbling {baba, dada, gaga, etc} while the yelling/singing he's been doing since day one has been "cute" i'm totally ready for a much more mellow "conversation" with him ;)
i can't wait to see what this next month with bring!
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