Thursday, October 18, 2012

the workout rut..

is no longer! sad to say but for the past few years i've been pretty much doing the same gym routine, the one Zach showed me when we first started dating SEVEN years ago {with a few new moves/machines thrown in every now and then}. while it always kept me in shape it never really challenged me, or i guess i never really challenged myself with it. i've lost most of the baby weight since having Hunter but the last few pounds and the toning have been a huge challenge for me. i was pretty stoked about signing back up for 24 hour fitness, it was the gym where Zach and I  would spend late nights in the beginning of our relationship, and it's the perfect gym that fits my crazy/unpredictable baby schedule, not to mention it has a great day care! but alas, i fell right back into the same old routine and i quickly became bored. i still went, but i was not pushing myself and i for sure wasn't seeing the results i was so determined to get. 

while Zach was in town on his last visit he convinced me to do a ladies night at a local Cross Fit gym, i loved it! my body was shaking on the way home and i felt sore for days after which i LOVE! but since Zach's job/orders are a little unpredictable right now {that's a whole other post, oi} we decided to hold off on me joining. once we figure out where we'll be i'm sure we'll both join one together. so it was back to 24. tonight was my first night back since Zach left on Monday and i wanted to try something new. back in NC i had taken TRX classes on base and i loved it, so i decided to try that again. i looked up a quick arm workout online and found a perfect one at Blogilates i was shaking after the first round... i was hooked! what's nice about TRX is that it's much easier on my knees than Cross Fit, my knees like to dislocate, i have very little cartiladge in one and two pins in the other from surgery, basically i have knees of an 70 year old ;) and if i keep up with TRX like i plan to hopefully i can strengthen my knees to prep them for when we do sign up for Cross Fit, cause lets face it, those women have bodies i'd kill for, i MUST do it! 

today was arms, tomorrow will be legs, then core {and of course my yoga classes two days a week}. i can't wait to start something new and start to see more results! i'll keep you posted on my progress. 
now if i can just walk away from the halloween candy...


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